Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year End Greetings and My Best List!!!!

The end of the year is upon us, and as a present we have received the December CDs, an ode to Cara's gall bladder and the TaunTaun. Why these things, those of you who don't know Cara and Matt might ask?
Well, as Cara's CD illuminates, she and her internal organs have a complicated relationship.
And Matt is...maybe called TaunTaun by Paul, tauntaun being a play on his last name as well as, we all remember, the awesome riding animal from Empire Strikes Back.

You maybe also remember that when it gets super cold, one of them dies, and Han Solo slices it open and puts Luke Skywalker inside it for safety. A little like this:
So, it has been a very odd CD club year. Half the CDs were late. Two were from anonymous sources (and have not yet been solved!?!?!?!?!?!?). One is still due to us - Johanna.... It is possible Hugo and/or Jen might actually put together a CD as well? Does Hugota count in place of Hugo!?!?!?!

For completeness, PLEASE let everyone know here if you didn't receive one of the months. Several people have told me they did not get the CD from John in Boston - it can be arranged so that you receive it.

Okay. My best list, sort of!!!
I don't want to pit anyone get anyone else, so I am not going to say anything about a CD of the year, but I thought it might be fun to round out the year with a few thoughts...
Just look how excited Hugo is!!!
(taken from his facebook page and I believe the picture used to create his Hugota likeness. But my sleuthing ends there.)

Song of the Year - Phoenix's Lisztomania
It made it on to three different CDs, Matt having the sense to at least provide a remix.

Video of the Year -
(s)he wolf or party in the USA? you decide.
Mystery of the Year -
I pick Mystery Lady CD over Hugota, because - um WHAT?!?!!??!

Discoveries of the Year -
Patron Tequila from the non-Hugo CD
"I'm In the World" by Moondog from Adam's CD
They Might Be Giants "Shoehorn With Teeth" from Brian's CDs. How did I not know this song?
The Flogging Molly song from Signe's CD - I have always avoided the band because I hate their name.
Elle and Stevie singing "You Are the Sunshine of My Life." Thanks Donnie!!!!
"Female of the Species" from Johnny K's CD. I played that song to death, RIP.
And last - somewhere in the middle of the summer when CDs were two months late I was totally thinking this would be the last year I do this...but then a couple people again said they would still be interested, as long as people who miss their month or whatever are promptly kicked out. So...I am open to suggestions.
Happy New Year!!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Could it be another mystery?

Um, so what's the deal now?

Got this email from Hugo, and now I think we've got another mystery:

Hugo, here's what I'm talking about:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Playlist, please...

Dearest Hugo,

I know you are a busy man; one who makes smart documentaries and then trots around the globe. I want you to ask for your help. You see, I simply cannot add music files to my computer without their names in place. Maybe it's just me who is a little OCD about this, but maybe not. Can you help?


Thursday, December 3, 2009

'Tis the (end of) Season

Oh man. As Brian F. wrote yesterday, New York BETRAYED US. No marriage for us.
Sad face.
You will all have to wait another year before being invited to the destination castle wedding John and I have been so carefully planning.

This has been a very weird CD club year.

We had multiple people send out CDs several months late. We had a random CD sent to us that NO ONE is fessing up to. Though...Dan looked suspiciously amused when I brought it up last week. Dan needs a better poker face mamamamama poker face.

There are still several more CDs due...whether you get them is anyone's guess.

Johanna, who was October, is late. Hugo, who is November, is gallavanting around Argentina until mid December. One wonders whether he will come back with the native sounds of a foreign land to fill our ears. And Matt and Cara are December, so they are not late at all.
Also also again again, people are not always getting CDs? Donnie and Dan do not believe they got John A.'s CD. Why do bad things happen to good people?!?!!??

In conclusion. I have heard that some people are interested in keeping this UP. I guess I am game. We might need stricter regulations on deadlines., think about it.