In my newly founded unemployment, while I wait for Time Warner to actually show up and install internet, I find myself quite frequently at my "new office" otherwise known as Connecticut Muffin. The only thing Connecticut about this place is the amazing soccer mom playlist that I have been toe-tapping to for days on end. It's all songs that I am familiar with, but honestly can't figure out why I know the words or who sings them or why I am secretly enjoying it. If March were mine, you would all be the (amused?/horrified?) recipients of a CD that would look a little bit like this:
No Such Thing (John Mayer)
Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Tears for Fears)
Take Me Away (Avril Lavigne)
Every Little Kiss (Bruce Hornsby)
You're in My Heart (Rod Stewart)
Heaven is a Place on Earth (Belinda Carlisle)
You'll Be in My Heart (Phil Collins)
What a Feeling (Irene Cara)
Thank You (Dido)
It's So Easy to Fall in Love (Linda Ronstadt)
The Shoop Shoop Song (Cher)
Teach Your Children (Crosby, Stills, & Nash)
I hope that this impressive playlist hasn't intimidated the true owner of the March month...I know that this is a tough act to follow.
Joblessly yours,
omg, i want this album. also, johanna, has anyone ever told you that you look a little like belinda carlisle?
p.s. what is actually happening to belinda in that photo-- is she being shrink-wrapped?
i definitely think johanna googled "belinda shrink-wrapping gone wrong" to get this picture.
all the same, i know it took some persuade to get johanna to include a picture, so i am happy with her huge blogging learning curve.
also also i don't actually know like half the songs that she mentioned...
seriously... what is that phil collins song? methinks there's some behind-the-scenes shazam'ing going on here -- hey, add that to your resume... i just did!
i am 100% sure that you all know every song on the shrink-wrapped belinda mix. you won't want to, but you do...
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