My attempt to take care of it solely at the barbecue did not succeed the way I thought it did. Also, I got drunk on saturday and can't remember who received CDs and who did not. (I think I only gave out four? which is disappointing)."
[editor's note: Most of you made it to Matt and Cara's BBQ so you know what he is talking about. John A. in Boston, you don't know, but if you had been in town you would have been invited. People want to meet you. Hugo says hi. Also Hugo, I have your CD.]
"I am also having some trouble with my CD burner so it's slow going. But rest assured they are going out this week, and please accept my apologies."
[editor's note: the CDs (plural) are pretty awesome, and the design is amazing.]
[editor's note: also, Pelle Carlberg was cute and awesome. Hugo, John, and I enjoyed the concert despite the obnoxious chatty girls at the bar who gabbed the ENTIRE TIME.]
Guess I'll hold off on my big debut. Give Brian some wiggle-room, and myself some time for I dunno, cover art.
That drink looks fabulous!
Picture it: Prospect Park. 2009.
Dan Cain runs 2 laps
lip syncing VIBEOLOGY the ENTIRE time!
that v - i - b - e - ologee
I've rediscovered my long, lost love for the Pointer Sisters! FYI: I'll be doing the Neutron Dance all day today.
okay, this remix of 'circus' is officially my new favorite song. amazing. i can't wait to have another bbq and play these songs! oh, and velocity girl? wow. way to bring the 90s back with style.
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