Monday, February 1, 2010

2010 CD Club Has Begun!!!!!!!

Friends, Romans, Dan and Donnie -

It is a new year and with it new people have joined the club!!!
This year Christian S. (officially) joins the club, and I also excited to introduce Lynn F. to the group. I know none of you know who Lynn is...she is a quiet wallflower of a dainty princess, who listens I believe to a lot of Wilson Phillips. Please, everyone, be nice to her.

A few people have also left the club. Paul Wag2itz, one of the original members, felt it was time to move on. And Signe B., the only one of us with a child (Cara, having Matt as a roommate is NOT like having a child, despite your complaints) , has decided that time constraints don't allow her to spend the time necessary on this blog.

Finally, Hugo is IN, pending the arrival of his 2009 CD sometime soon - he is insistent this will happen, and I am hoping to resolve the situation. I am under the impression that Jen is out though Hugo was also the official mouthpiece for the two of them so I really have no idea....

John and I had a great time in Hong Kong. Pictures on facebook.
I have returned to work. When do working people do things like laundry???

Below, please find YOUR MONTH!!!
(if you need to change, or whatever, please let me know soon).

February: John K.
March: John A.

April: Christian S.

May: Matt T. and Cara D.
June: Lynn F. (and Kendra? or no Kendra?)
July: Adam R.
August: Hugo S.
September: Johanna T.
October: Donnie R. and Dan C.
November: Steven L.
December: Brian F.

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