Couple updates...
First, club newbie Lynn has decided to take advantage of what I like to think of as the "Adam-Robertson-Delayed-Debut Clause." A CD is coming, she promises, it just ain't here yet.
Let's take a moment to discuss: who IS Lynn?

Lynn Fairy-uh
Status: Hot
Career: Awesome things like helping homeless people,
gay people, and I assume gay homeless people
Style: She is able to rock V-necks, vests, and cop
glasses. I am not sure I have ever seen her in a dress
or a skirt?
Trivia: For whatever reason, the person who
introduced me to Lynn liked to call her Beau.
All this to say: her CD will be awesome, when it comes.

Myself, I am duty-bound to attending the Varese concerts at Lincoln Center Festival. Varese, for everyone who is not John Andress, was one of the most influential composers of the 20th century, despite only writing like 15 pieces. Though I am sad to not be joining Rufus in my backyard, these concerts are pretty f-ing amazing and though this is part of my job, I will be enjoying myself. In a very different way than watching Rufus croon though Judy's Songbook...

One last note - Hugo will be leaving NYC in August because he is a punk who places new experiences and new terrain above my friendship. Oh and also because he wants a Californian boy. Hopefully we will all get to say goodbye before he leaves us for this -------------->
i am having some trouble imagining john shimmying around the apartment, cooking CSA vegetables and shaking it to celia...
there was no shimmying. he was sitting very placidly at his desk. but celia was definitely working it.
and for those who were curious hugo is leaving us to become a serious investigative journalist, in hopes of replacing Oprah upon her retirement.
I do not understand how me simultaneously listening to and making salsa could possibly be hard to picture.
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