Monday, August 24, 2009

Hard and Soft Launches

Goodness...the summer CDs are arriving.

If the postman has been nice to you, you have received Signe's CD. Signe, the title. What does it MEAN?!?!?!?

Adam's CD has received something more like a soft launch. He has been personally handing it to people. So if you seem him regularly you have had the double CDs for a while and have been enjoying them. If you seem him occassionally, a grouping I fall into, you just received them, and if you see him infrequently or never, or have no idea who he is, you will recieve them when Adam discovers that there are post offices within five minute walks from his apartment and his place of work. And that putting CDs in envelopes is no more time consuming than fretting about Todd Palin's facial hair.

The official August CDs will go out next week to give everyone a chance to enjoy June and July, and this will hopefully give John A. in Boston a chance to send Semptember in a timely fashion.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Phoenix From the Flames

Bear (mmmm bears) with me here.

It has been an odd summer, an atypical summer, for the CD club. In past years, when summer was populated by the Donnies and Hugos of the world, we got shiny summer mixes on time and in shiny fun packages....but alas Donnie could not be summer fun forever, and Hugo requested a month swap with, well, me.
In their stead we got Adam, Signe, and Me. Now for various reasons, things happened, and no CDs were sent out in June OR July. But, but...but. That is SO about to change...

Like the Phoenix from the flames (Remember the bar The Phoenix? Remember when it was the awesomest bar the ever awesomed?It's in that cycle of bars where the cute young guys who used to go have attracted the older guys who like to stare at the younger guys, but now the younger guys aren't there anymore. In short, the Phoenix could take after its namesake.) the CD club is rising in the month of of August....

Signe has sent out her CD. (She also has a new job!!! Yay!!!!)

Adam is valiantly attempting to finish his CDs and may have sent them off yesterday, or today, or will be sending them off Monday.

And I will send out CDs the last week of August...
It will be a glut of goodness. A variety! A feast for the senses. Or, at least the aural one.

Also, Matt's birthday was in July. He totally tried to sneak that one by us....or at least, me.

Friday, August 14, 2009

NO CD's ....but at least we have Donna

Free concert given by disco music legend Donna Summer in Seaside Park Brooklyn as part of the free annual Seaside Concert Series.

Date: Aug 27th

Official Site: