Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mystery CD Redux and Other Musings

Before I formally begin, I would like to remind everyone that when you reply to the email notifications about a new post here, the email goes to me and no one else. The point of the blog was to make comments public rather than everything going through me.


The Mystery Woman CD has still not been solved. And the lack of any comments here is mystifying. Adam, Hugo, and Cara all denied sending it. That said, I have some theories!!!!

A. - it was ADAM

Adam was was first person to deny it was him, and the only person to follow up a week later asking if I'd figured anything out. And Adam does have a lot of time on his hands (Underminer lesson of the day.) Additionally, if the CD WENT TO ADAM the person has access to Adam's address, and since he has only been in the club THIS YEAR, the Mystery Lady is NOT A PAST MEMBER!!! A-HA!!!
B. - it was PAUL

The Mystery Lady, who you can see I suspect it not a lady at all in the conventional sense, is tech savvy. There are vocally disguised announcements, and CRAZIER, the track listing is in place!!! That rules out Johanna. Though the recent loss of Paul's harddrive may put a damper on this theory.

C. it was DONNIE and/or Brian

Donald and Brian have hatched plans before. Say, at Adam's WINE BAR. I can see them coming up with this idea. The crazies. And their silence on the matter has been deafening. DEAF - N - ING.
Though maybe they are just worn out from Kylie.

D. - it was someone random and we should be scared.

This has been a very weird year in terms of CD distribution. Pretty much EVERYONE has been late. John in Boston PROMISES his is going out this weekend. I know Johanna is eager to send out the official October CD, unless SHE is the Mystery Lady and this IS the October CD!?!?!? Anyway, and we'll see who read this far down, BUT...HUGO. IS. OUT. OF. THE. COUNTRY. UNTIL. DECEMBER.
Yes, Hugo has left us for the wilds of Argentina. And he will MISS his ENTIRE MONTH. He is/was November. Whether Jen does a solo CD, or December is willing to switch with Hugo, I can NOT SAY (I am guessing Matt, who is December, has been planning his CD for 11 months, and will not be able part with the month. But we'll see.)


Only time will tell.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mystery CD

Has anyone else received a CD from the "Mystery Lady?"
I'm being serious here.
John and I return from L.A. where we totally hung out with Joey McIntyre!!!! no I mean we saw him but anyway, totally cool right!?!?!? Okay wait sorry, we return from L.A. and there is a CD from the "Mystery Lady" as the return address?

I have it on good authority that it is NOT from John in Boston. Who will be sending his CD soon and wants me to "keep the wolves at bay." I am assuming he does not mean the hewolf in his closet. Or Hugo. John has been very busy dancing.

So I am left wondering if this was a CD club-wide mailing, one only to a select few...or one only to me?!?!?! And John. Me and John.

And since everyone is wondering, John in Boston has ALWAYS pointed when he dances.