Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A note from Adam

[editor's note: Adam sent this out on facebook mobile from his trusty icool device. i am posting it here because well, i should.]

From Adam:

Subject: CD Club bummer
Hi everybody. So my computer is still at the mechanic's.

[editor's note: I assume he does not mean an automechanic, and he did advise me of this issue a couple weeks ago.]

I have no idea when it'll be done. It was supposed to be 2 days, and that was 11 days ago. They found a 'cable that needed replacing' so they had to send away for it but not before collecting 15 AppleJacks box tops and enclosing a SASE so whatever.

[editor's note: SASE stands for "superficially attractive sex expert." like Hugo, for example.]

When it comes back, the mix will be ready to go. Provided Senuti is all they say.
Sorry A

PS tell everyone I left out okay?

1 comment:

donnie roberts said...

OMG, I really LOVE track 7!