Monday, June 1, 2009

Just Asking......XOXO


May 30th 2009.
Which CD Club was so intrigued after meeting someone  that once had a broom handle up their pooper that they MAY have gone home to try it themselves.....BRISTLES first.  


StevenGerard said...

which CD club member is amused that you guys actually went through with this drunken promise of turning the blog into a gossip column, and is actually wondering if there is ANY truth whatsoever to this....?

donnie roberts said...

Owen Wilson is in our CD club?

Brian said...

omg, i wonder who it is? Word on the street is that a certain CD club member has already used it in the slender way. Could it be that this individual is now experimenting with more arCANE modes of deviousness?

Brian said...

The answer to Steven's blind item is, of course, "all of the above"