The Mystery Woman CD has still not been solved. And the lack of any comments here is mystifying. Adam, Hugo, and Cara all denied sending it. That said, I have some theories!!!!
A. - it was ADAM
Adam was was first person to deny it was him, and the only person to follow up a week later asking if I'd figured anything out. And Adam does have a lot of time on his hands (Underminer lesson of the day.) Additionally, if the CD WENT TO ADAM the person has access to Adam's address, and since he has only been in the club THIS YEAR, the Mystery Lady is NOT A PAST MEMBER!!! A-HA!!!

B. - it was PAUL
The Mystery Lady, who you can see I suspect it not a lady at all in the conventional sense, is tech savvy. There are vocally disguised announcements, and CRAZIER, the track listing is in place!!! That rules out Johanna. Though the recent loss of Paul's harddrive may put a damper on this theory.
C. it was DONNIE and/or Brian

Donald and Brian have hatched plans before. Say, at Adam's WINE BAR. I can see them coming up with this idea. The crazies. And their silence on the matter has been deafening. DEAF - N - ING.

D. - it was someone random and we should be scared.
This has been a very weird year in terms of CD distribution. Pretty much EVERYONE has been late. John in Boston PROMISES his is going out this weekend. I know Johanna is eager to send out the official October CD, unless SHE is the Mystery Lady and this IS the October CD!?!?!? Anyway, and we'll see who read this far down, BUT...HUGO. IS. OUT. OF. THE. COUNTRY. UNTIL. DECEMBER.
Yes, Hugo has left us for the wilds of Argentina. And he will MISS his ENTIRE MONTH. He is/was November. Whether Jen does a solo CD, or December is willing to switch with Hugo, I can NOT SAY (I am guessing Matt, who is December, has been planning his CD for 11 months, and will not be able part with the month. But we'll see.)
Only time will tell.
it was not me. it tweren't me, jack.
It wasn't me. If I had a chance to hear it, or pick it up at the post office for that matter, I would have a guess. Despite not seeing/hearing/having it, I'm guessing it was Christian.
It wasn't me. If I had a chance to hear it, or pick it up at the post office for that matter, I would have a guess. Despite not seeing/hearing/having it, I'm guessing it was Christian.
How have I received the first few CD's if the CD Club doesn't have my address? And has anyone actually laid eyes on Paul's dead hard drive? If it wasn't Paul then I'm calling the police.
Hmmm. it SEEMS Donnie might protest to much...
Christian is a good guess though.
And Brian's silence is...guitl by association!!!!
And what the heck is the anonymous comment about?!?!?
In conclusion. This is fun.
what's up with mystery lady stealing my october thunder? mystery lady owes me BIG TIME. like, mystery lady needs to come over and help with my CD cover art, give me a manicure, make me a stir fry, water my plants, finish my cross stitch project from 2007, and then alphabetize my books. ms lady, if you are reading this, sunday evenings are generally good for me.
grumble grumble,
johanna (the dethroned ms. october)
Hi. Mystery Lady is definitely not me. I do not have the energy for multiple CDs a year. I also am almost completely sure it was not Christian? I feel like I would have known, and I haven't given him anyone's address and it's not the kind of thing something he would ever get around to actually doing. I say this, of course, with love.
So who the hell is it?!?!?!
AND...are they aware of Johanna's dietary restrictions on that stir fry?!!?!?!?
Anonymous was I, Steve. Sorry, I couldn't log in properly on my iPhone.
As I said, I'm (forever) new to this "blogging".
Anyhow, I stand by my accusation. Mystery Lady = Paul, and now I have a theory about Hugotá. Kleshefsky. There, I said it.
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