Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mystery CD

Has anyone else received a CD from the "Mystery Lady?"
I'm being serious here.
John and I return from L.A. where we totally hung out with Joey McIntyre!!!! no I mean we saw him but anyway, totally cool right!?!?!? Okay wait sorry, we return from L.A. and there is a CD from the "Mystery Lady" as the return address?

I have it on good authority that it is NOT from John in Boston. Who will be sending his CD soon and wants me to "keep the wolves at bay." I am assuming he does not mean the hewolf in his closet. Or Hugo. John has been very busy dancing.

So I am left wondering if this was a CD club-wide mailing, one only to a select few...or one only to me?!?!?! And John. Me and John.

And since everyone is wondering, John in Boston has ALWAYS pointed when he dances.

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