Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year End Greetings and My Best List!!!!

The end of the year is upon us, and as a present we have received the December CDs, an ode to Cara's gall bladder and the TaunTaun. Why these things, those of you who don't know Cara and Matt might ask?
Well, as Cara's CD illuminates, she and her internal organs have a complicated relationship.
And Matt is...maybe called TaunTaun by Paul, tauntaun being a play on his last name as well as, we all remember, the awesome riding animal from Empire Strikes Back.

You maybe also remember that when it gets super cold, one of them dies, and Han Solo slices it open and puts Luke Skywalker inside it for safety. A little like this:
So, it has been a very odd CD club year. Half the CDs were late. Two were from anonymous sources (and have not yet been solved!?!?!?!?!?!?). One is still due to us - Johanna.... It is possible Hugo and/or Jen might actually put together a CD as well? Does Hugota count in place of Hugo!?!?!?!

For completeness, PLEASE let everyone know here if you didn't receive one of the months. Several people have told me they did not get the CD from John in Boston - it can be arranged so that you receive it.

Okay. My best list, sort of!!!
I don't want to pit anyone get anyone else, so I am not going to say anything about a CD of the year, but I thought it might be fun to round out the year with a few thoughts...
Just look how excited Hugo is!!!
(taken from his facebook page and I believe the picture used to create his Hugota likeness. But my sleuthing ends there.)

Song of the Year - Phoenix's Lisztomania
It made it on to three different CDs, Matt having the sense to at least provide a remix.

Video of the Year -
(s)he wolf or party in the USA? you decide.
Mystery of the Year -
I pick Mystery Lady CD over Hugota, because - um WHAT?!?!!??!

Discoveries of the Year -
Patron Tequila from the non-Hugo CD
"I'm In the World" by Moondog from Adam's CD
They Might Be Giants "Shoehorn With Teeth" from Brian's CDs. How did I not know this song?
The Flogging Molly song from Signe's CD - I have always avoided the band because I hate their name.
Elle and Stevie singing "You Are the Sunshine of My Life." Thanks Donnie!!!!
"Female of the Species" from Johnny K's CD. I played that song to death, RIP.
And last - somewhere in the middle of the summer when CDs were two months late I was totally thinking this would be the last year I do this...but then a couple people again said they would still be interested, as long as people who miss their month or whatever are promptly kicked out. So...I am open to suggestions.
Happy New Year!!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Could it be another mystery?

Um, so what's the deal now?

Got this email from Hugo, and now I think we've got another mystery:

Hugo, here's what I'm talking about:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Playlist, please...

Dearest Hugo,

I know you are a busy man; one who makes smart documentaries and then trots around the globe. I want you to ask for your help. You see, I simply cannot add music files to my computer without their names in place. Maybe it's just me who is a little OCD about this, but maybe not. Can you help?


Thursday, December 3, 2009

'Tis the (end of) Season

Oh man. As Brian F. wrote yesterday, New York BETRAYED US. No marriage for us.
Sad face.
You will all have to wait another year before being invited to the destination castle wedding John and I have been so carefully planning.

This has been a very weird CD club year.

We had multiple people send out CDs several months late. We had a random CD sent to us that NO ONE is fessing up to. Though...Dan looked suspiciously amused when I brought it up last week. Dan needs a better poker face mamamamama poker face.

There are still several more CDs due...whether you get them is anyone's guess.

Johanna, who was October, is late. Hugo, who is November, is gallavanting around Argentina until mid December. One wonders whether he will come back with the native sounds of a foreign land to fill our ears. And Matt and Cara are December, so they are not late at all.
Also also again again, people are not always getting CDs? Donnie and Dan do not believe they got John A.'s CD. Why do bad things happen to good people?!?!!??

In conclusion. I have heard that some people are interested in keeping this UP. I guess I am game. We might need stricter regulations on deadlines., think about it.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mystery CD Redux and Other Musings

Before I formally begin, I would like to remind everyone that when you reply to the email notifications about a new post here, the email goes to me and no one else. The point of the blog was to make comments public rather than everything going through me.


The Mystery Woman CD has still not been solved. And the lack of any comments here is mystifying. Adam, Hugo, and Cara all denied sending it. That said, I have some theories!!!!

A. - it was ADAM

Adam was was first person to deny it was him, and the only person to follow up a week later asking if I'd figured anything out. And Adam does have a lot of time on his hands (Underminer lesson of the day.) Additionally, if the CD WENT TO ADAM the person has access to Adam's address, and since he has only been in the club THIS YEAR, the Mystery Lady is NOT A PAST MEMBER!!! A-HA!!!
B. - it was PAUL

The Mystery Lady, who you can see I suspect it not a lady at all in the conventional sense, is tech savvy. There are vocally disguised announcements, and CRAZIER, the track listing is in place!!! That rules out Johanna. Though the recent loss of Paul's harddrive may put a damper on this theory.

C. it was DONNIE and/or Brian

Donald and Brian have hatched plans before. Say, at Adam's WINE BAR. I can see them coming up with this idea. The crazies. And their silence on the matter has been deafening. DEAF - N - ING.
Though maybe they are just worn out from Kylie.

D. - it was someone random and we should be scared.

This has been a very weird year in terms of CD distribution. Pretty much EVERYONE has been late. John in Boston PROMISES his is going out this weekend. I know Johanna is eager to send out the official October CD, unless SHE is the Mystery Lady and this IS the October CD!?!?!? Anyway, and we'll see who read this far down, BUT...HUGO. IS. OUT. OF. THE. COUNTRY. UNTIL. DECEMBER.
Yes, Hugo has left us for the wilds of Argentina. And he will MISS his ENTIRE MONTH. He is/was November. Whether Jen does a solo CD, or December is willing to switch with Hugo, I can NOT SAY (I am guessing Matt, who is December, has been planning his CD for 11 months, and will not be able part with the month. But we'll see.)


Only time will tell.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mystery CD

Has anyone else received a CD from the "Mystery Lady?"
I'm being serious here.
John and I return from L.A. where we totally hung out with Joey McIntyre!!!! no I mean we saw him but anyway, totally cool right!?!?!? Okay wait sorry, we return from L.A. and there is a CD from the "Mystery Lady" as the return address?

I have it on good authority that it is NOT from John in Boston. Who will be sending his CD soon and wants me to "keep the wolves at bay." I am assuming he does not mean the hewolf in his closet. Or Hugo. John has been very busy dancing.

So I am left wondering if this was a CD club-wide mailing, one only to a select few...or one only to me?!?!?! And John. Me and John.

And since everyone is wondering, John in Boston has ALWAYS pointed when he dances.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Monday, August 24, 2009

Hard and Soft Launches

Goodness...the summer CDs are arriving.

If the postman has been nice to you, you have received Signe's CD. Signe, the title. What does it MEAN?!?!?!?

Adam's CD has received something more like a soft launch. He has been personally handing it to people. So if you seem him regularly you have had the double CDs for a while and have been enjoying them. If you seem him occassionally, a grouping I fall into, you just received them, and if you see him infrequently or never, or have no idea who he is, you will recieve them when Adam discovers that there are post offices within five minute walks from his apartment and his place of work. And that putting CDs in envelopes is no more time consuming than fretting about Todd Palin's facial hair.

The official August CDs will go out next week to give everyone a chance to enjoy June and July, and this will hopefully give John A. in Boston a chance to send Semptember in a timely fashion.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Phoenix From the Flames

Bear (mmmm bears) with me here.

It has been an odd summer, an atypical summer, for the CD club. In past years, when summer was populated by the Donnies and Hugos of the world, we got shiny summer mixes on time and in shiny fun packages....but alas Donnie could not be summer fun forever, and Hugo requested a month swap with, well, me.
In their stead we got Adam, Signe, and Me. Now for various reasons, things happened, and no CDs were sent out in June OR July. But, but...but. That is SO about to change...

Like the Phoenix from the flames (Remember the bar The Phoenix? Remember when it was the awesomest bar the ever awesomed?It's in that cycle of bars where the cute young guys who used to go have attracted the older guys who like to stare at the younger guys, but now the younger guys aren't there anymore. In short, the Phoenix could take after its namesake.) the CD club is rising in the month of of August....

Signe has sent out her CD. (She also has a new job!!! Yay!!!!)

Adam is valiantly attempting to finish his CDs and may have sent them off yesterday, or today, or will be sending them off Monday.

And I will send out CDs the last week of August...
It will be a glut of goodness. A variety! A feast for the senses. Or, at least the aural one.

Also, Matt's birthday was in July. He totally tried to sneak that one by us....or at least, me.

Friday, August 14, 2009

NO CD's ....but at least we have Donna

Free concert given by disco music legend Donna Summer in Seaside Park Brooklyn as part of the free annual Seaside Concert Series.

Date: Aug 27th

Official Site:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

what day is it?

Ben Cohen would like a CD now, Please

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A note from Adam

[editor's note: Adam sent this out on facebook mobile from his trusty icool device. i am posting it here because well, i should.]

From Adam:

Subject: CD Club bummer
Hi everybody. So my computer is still at the mechanic's.

[editor's note: I assume he does not mean an automechanic, and he did advise me of this issue a couple weeks ago.]

I have no idea when it'll be done. It was supposed to be 2 days, and that was 11 days ago. They found a 'cable that needed replacing' so they had to send away for it but not before collecting 15 AppleJacks box tops and enclosing a SASE so whatever.

[editor's note: SASE stands for "superficially attractive sex expert." like Hugo, for example.]

When it comes back, the mix will be ready to go. Provided Senuti is all they say.
Sorry A

PS tell everyone I left out okay?

Thursday, June 18, 2009


for my country brethren

i love this song!
it's the summer jam 2009... of country : )

Monday, June 15, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

in the mail

All the missing May CD's are IN THE MAIL, and to that I say, in capital letters, GOOD RIDDANCE. Technically, I am only half late, and I predict that next month's will be a full week late. Especially if June is Adam, because I can say with 100% certainty that Mr Robertson will not be burning CDs that last week of June. Instead, he will be wrapped in a lesbian horse blanket on Atlantic shore, drinking a bellini out of a plastic cup.

FYI, due to an itunes related snafu on the second disk, some of you got Spacehog's "In the Meantime" instead of Velocity Girl's "Nothing". Please write that down now so you do not get confused.

I think I embedded both of these in the Itunes database? But I might not have. If I didn't, well, SORRY. Enjoy! And happy May!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just Asking......XOXO


May 30th 2009.
Which CD Club was so intrigued after meeting someone  that once had a broom handle up their pooper that they MAY have gone home to try it themselves.....BRISTLES first.  

30 Years of Brian

[editor's note: Mr. Findley, who is normally technologically adept, has asked that I post this on the blog.]

"Yes, so evidently I am officially late sending out CDs. First missed deadline of the year!
My attempt to take care of it solely at the barbecue did not succeed the way I thought it did. Also, I got drunk on saturday and can't remember who received CDs and who did not. (I think I only gave out four? which is disappointing)."

[editor's note: Most of you made it to Matt and Cara's BBQ so you know what he is talking about. John A. in Boston, you don't know, but if you had been in town you would have been invited. People want to meet you. Hugo says hi. Also Hugo, I have your CD.]

"I am also having some trouble with my CD burner so it's slow going. But rest assured they are going out this week, and please accept my apologies."

[editor's note: the CDs (plural) are pretty awesome, and the design is amazing.]

[editor's note: also, Pelle Carlberg was cute and awesome. Hugo, John, and I enjoyed the concert despite the obnoxious chatty girls at the bar who gabbed the ENTIRE TIME.]

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Teddy = Thursday

FYI. Mr. T is playing this Thursday.

Attention all NYC-area Teddy Thompson fans. Teddy will be playing a special unplugged show at NYC gallery space, RARE, on Thursday, May 14th at 8:30 pm. This is an opportunity to see Teddy play acoustically as if he was there in your living room. No PA system or microphones, just Teddy and his acoustic guitar. Local Brooklyn songwriter, Myles Turney will warm up the evening with an acoustic set at 7:45 pm followed by Teddy at 8:30 pm.

There is a very limited amount of tickets for this performance and you will need to send an email requesting your tickets to
Tickets are $25.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

clever concerts

So you know how you totally loved that one song from the "Boys" CD earlier this year? The one that went all "clever girls like clever boys much more than clever boys like clever girls"? Well you can see it live later on this month at Union Hall for only ten (10) clams.

I guarantee a good time, or I'll buy you a beer. Hell, I might buy you a beer anyway. I'm that kinda guy.

To get you in the mood:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Celebrate Brooklyn

Thursday, August 6
Music & Movies

7:30PM/GATES 6:30PM

Complete list:

o, and BIG DADDY KANE .... no relation.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Joy. Pain. Sunshine. And Rain.

We promise that these were mailed in April. Check the postmark for the proof.

p.s. no matter the year - the theme song is amazing

i made this for you

sonGs about rain – gary Allen

kentuckYrain - elvis

stead as the rain – dolly

I sure can smell the raIn – blackhawk

come rain or come Shine – judy

rain falls down – ryan shupe & THe rubbEr bands

caN’t stop the rain – jEnnifer hudson

right as rain – adele

a hard rain is a-gonna fall – bob

i hope it rains at my funeral – Whiskeytown

have you seen the Rain – credence

laughter in the rAin – neil sedaka

i know what I am lookIng for – tift merit

everybody move – teddy thompson

beautiful world – dierks bently/patty griffiN

Friday, March 13, 2009

If March Were Mine...

In my newly founded unemployment, while I wait for Time Warner to actually show up and install internet, I find myself quite frequently at my "new office" otherwise known as Connecticut Muffin.  The only thing Connecticut about this place is the amazing soccer mom playlist that I have been toe-tapping to for days on end.  It's all songs that I am familiar with, but honestly can't figure out why I know the words or who sings them or why I am secretly enjoying it.  If March were mine, you would all be the (amused?/horrified?) recipients of a CD that would look a little bit like this:

No Such Thing (John Mayer)
Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Tears for Fears)
Take Me Away (Avril Lavigne)
Every Little Kiss (Bruce Hornsby)
You're in My Heart (Rod Stewart)
Heaven is a Place on Earth (Belinda Carlisle)
You'll Be in My Heart (Phil Collins)
What a Feeling (Irene Cara)
Thank You (Dido)
It's So Easy to Fall in Love (Linda Ronstadt)
The Shoop Shoop Song (Cher)
Teach Your Children (Crosby, Stills, & Nash)

I hope that this impressive playlist hasn't intimidated the true owner of the March month...I know that this is a tough act to follow.

Joblessly yours,

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


yay! look what's coming this summer to the slope!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


greetings and salutations.

i hope that as steven mentioned earlier that you have all at this point received the february cds. last year i know that i was a bit overly adventurous. there were videos and everyone got confused and i am sorry. this year i decided to take it down a notch and make standard cd player friendly discs.

originally i was going to make one disc. all the singers were female and a little sad. i then realized the other music i listened to was boys singing ridiculous things. this led to the double disc.

i hope you like it! in the comments, please say which disc you like better. if you think they both sucked that is ok. you can say it. i am a grown man. i know enough to cry only when no one is looking.

stupid boys
Clever Girls (Pelle Carlberg)
Greath Lengths (The Lucksmiths)
Sixteen and Pretty (Math & Pysics Club)
Parents Livingroom (Shout Out Louds)
Say Yes (Acid House Kings)
Loop Duplicate My Heart (Suburban Kids with Biblical Names)
Happy Mondays (My Teenage Stride)
I'm So Confused (Jonathan Richman)
Keep Your Love (Loveninjas)
Whiskey (Voxtrot)
Skullcrusher Mountain (Jonathan Coulton)
Donkey for Your Love (B.O.A.T.)
Be Gentle with Me (Boy Least Likely To)
Female of the Species (Space)
Teenage Dirtbag (Wheatus)
The Painter (I'm From Barcelona)
You! Me! Dancing! (Los Campesinos)
sad girls
Eple (Royksopp)
I'll Be By Your Side (Sally Shapiro)
Mad About You (Hooverphonic)
Number One (Goldfrapp)
Jealousy (Dubstar)
Teenager (Camera Obscura)
Be Mine (Robyn)
This Heart is a Stone (Acid House Kings)
Don't Say You Love Me (Red Sleeping Beauty)
Lips are Unhappy (Lucky Soul)
If It's Not You (Language of Flowers)
Inside and Out (Feist)
Hear Me Out (Frou Frou)
Lose That Girl (Saint Etienne)
Final Say (Sambassadeur)
Destroy Everything You Touch (Ladytron)
World Spins Madly On (The Weepies)

p.s. signing in as a guest blogger is actually as easy as having a google email. for reals.

p.p.s. if you do not know who leslie hall is you should. watch this video:

she'll be at irving plaza on 17 april with stereo total and i wanna go. her music is of debatable merit but she puts on one helluva show.
you in?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

In a dither

I have my whole CD assembled. 3 months in advance. It's very, very different from John's, so, as one of the Music Club virgins, dreading exposing my inadequacies in a public forum, I wonder: is one CD going to be enough? or should I do a box set like John? Is stylistic incoherence okay? How about utter lack of irony?

Also, can I use this blog forum to vent my ardent love of cruciverbalism? Today's NY Times puzzle really blew. I have much to say on this subject; just tell me no, and I'll keep it all to myself.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Welcome 2009!

Welcome 2009 members!

February: John K.
March: Paul W.
April: Donnie R. and Dan C.
May: Brian F.
June: Adam R.
July: Signe B.
August: Hugo S. and Jen M.
September: John A.
October: Johanna T.
November: Steven L.
December: Matt T. and Cara D.